About Us
Softcode Microsystems established in 2017 in providing computer and system oriented services. We have our company Head Quarters at Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria. We are highly skilled and at such we make your perceptions different.
We are involved in Computer Technologies and branding. Our Design team is composed of Graphic Designers, Web Designers and Developers whose expertise and skills are very wide and lies basically on web applications, school portal integration and installations, production and supply of school scratch cards for online result checking and transcript generation, computer networking, Desktop and Laptop repairs.
Why Choose Us?
We at Softcode Microsystems have found a way in synchronizing system needs of our nation individuals and the world at large.
Times and Days are changing and as such, the world needs actualization, efficiency and expertise in order to solve man's problem and wants. It is on this ground that we stand meeting up with your needs as we pledge to offer the best service you can ever get.

Softcode Microsystems offer a complete sales service which includes, establishing the right computer and printer for you, ordering, set-up of all system and application softwares including anti-virus, transfer of data and settings from your old PC, delivery and installation...
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From repairs, to upgrades, to networking, Web development, Software development, Management Systems and cloud based solutions, Processor Engines have years of experience in providing great quality service, and also provide on-site and off-site services...
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Customer's maximum satisfaction is our core goal @ Processor Engines and as such, whatever your computer problem might be, be assured that Process Engines is here to help you. You can Choose from our range of support options to get the help you need...
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